Elevating sustainability and impact potential.

Our Services

We provide organizations with expert guidance and support to reach their sustainability and impact goals.

Report on your performance and impact to engage stakeholders and meet regulatory expectations

An annual sustainability or impact report is a powerful tool to communicate your performance, set ambitious goals and communicate with different stakeholders. Such reports can be aligned with global standards and frameworks, including the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), which now encompasses the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) among others.

Included in this Service:
Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Materiality Analysis • Data Collection • Copywriting & Editing • Creative Design

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annual sustainability & Impact reports

Sustainability & Impact Frameworks & Strategies

Create a foundation for your environmental, social and governance practices and goals.

Such strategies and frameworks create a roadmap that can guide your organization to maximize efforts, forming a foundation to create shared value. We work with you to develop inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes spread across the short, mid and long-term, to ensure you measure meaningful long-term change.

Included in this Service:
Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Materiality Analysis • Framework/Strategy Development

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Identify improvement areas to enhance your sustainability ratings.

Public sustainability ratings by organizations such as Sustainalytics, MSCI, ISS, Moody’s and others are of interest to specific stakeholders and investors. We help you identify gaps and create realistic improvement plans that eventually increase your ratings.

Included in this Service: Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Gap Assessment • Improvement Targets  

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Sustainability Rating Assessment

UK Stewardship Code Report

Showcase your commitment to responsible investment and active stewardship.

The UK Stewardship Code by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners. By successfully reporting in adherence with the principles of this report, you can become a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code and demonstrate your commitment to responsible investment and active stewardship.

Included in this Service:
Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Materiality Analysis • Data Collection • Copywriting & Editing • Creative Design

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Demonstrate your impact potential to stakeholders and investors.

An impact projection report enables organizations to demonstrate how they plan to create a measurable impact in the future. We work with you to showcase your key achievements, defined impact metrics projected over three to five years, and the financial value of the impact projected.

Included in this Service:
Stakeholder Engagement • Secondary Research • Metric Creation • Baseline & Target Setting • Narrative Building • Creative Design

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Impact Projection Report

Verification of the Operating Principles for Impact Management

Validate your commitment to impact management.

Attain third-party assurance to verify your alignment with Principle 9 of the Operating Principles for Impact Management. This process includes validating your commitment to impact management practices, enhancing credibility and trust with stakeholders.  

Included in this Service:
Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Identifying Strengths & Improvement Areas  

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Consult your stakeholders and determine the most important topics to them and to your organization.

Engage with key stakeholders to gather valuable insights and perspectives, helping to align your sustainability initiatives with their expectations. Conduct double materiality to determine the most significant environmental, social and governance issues for your organization.  

Included in this Service:
Benchmarking • Stakeholder Engagement • Materiality Analysis

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Stakeholder Engagement & Materiality

Benchmark Analysis

Evaluate your organization’s sustainability and impact performance relative to industry peers and best practices.

Evaluate your organization’s sustainability performance relative to industry peers and best practices.

Included in this Service:

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Deep dive into a topic that advances your sustainability and impact goals.

Engage in comprehensive research and develop in-depth white papers that advance and communicate your sustainability and impact goals. We support you with expert analysis, data-driven insights, and strategic recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

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Research & White Papers

"Since 2020, Tidal Impact has been working with us closely to deliver key milestones in our impact journey including an impact framework, a partner due diligence process, and two annual impact reports. Tidal's team is well informed about the latest impact standards, processes, risks, and opportunities.

They are committed, thorough, and able to accommodate our shifting needs. We look forward to continuing with our partnership and we have full trust in Tidal's capacity and knowledge.

Byron Peart, Cofounder @ GOODEE

"Since the start of 2023, Tidal Impact has been an essential partner in the development of MKB's first public ESG report. Their team's comprehensive understanding of the dynamic ESG field has been instrumental in guiding us through the ever-evolving ESG landscape.

As our sustainability initiatives expand, we value their expertise and look forward to our continued partnership.

Nikoo Asadi, Director of Operations @ MKB

We have been working with Tidal Impact since 2022 to develop our sustainability strategy, produce white papers and publish our sustainability report. Tidal Impact’s team has deep technical capabilities when it comes to understanding the evolving ESG scene.

The team is always readily available and has helped us understand our stakeholders’ expectations. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Tidal Impact as our sustainability needs expand.

Colin Scott, VP @ Innventure

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